Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Moving Mountains

After jumping through many math hoops, I've finally made it to UTD! Zane went with me last week to kick around campus and locate my classes. It meant a lot to me to have him share that experience. Hopefully it wet his appetite even more for college life (the academic part!). :)


patti said...

wooo hoooo a new post so soon. I keep checking.

what a great experience for you two to share. I'm thinking z would love to be in hog wild marching band! It's a great school too!

The McKays said...

a new post so soon! i love it, like P does. :)

such cool pics and i think it's so lovely that Z went with you. what a wonderful son!

Brad and Tammy said...

A BIG congrats to you on entering UTD! Can you see the light at the end of the tunnel???

aunty and gracie lu said...

go misty!!! can you ask the school for a family rate? pay for one, get one for half the tuition??